Our Site Programs
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Site 1: Kalihi-Palama- Chinatown-Ala Moana-Sheridan
Site 2: Waipahu
Site 3: Ewa Beach-Ewa
Site 1: Kalihi-Palama-Chinatown-Ala Moana-Sheridan
About the Site
In 1998, Kalihi-Palama-Chinatown was recognized as Hawaii’s first Weed & Seed Hawaiʻi designated site. It is located west of downtown Honolulu’s central business and capitol districts. In 2003, expansion for Site 1 was granted. The targeted area for the expanded Site 1 includes the original site plus two new areas: Ala Moana-Sheridan and Kalihi Valley.
Senior Volunteers work closely with HPD to keep the community safe for the youth through sign waving and other initiatives. RAP Sessions are led by the Officers and staff and teach the students skills in problem solving and making positive choices while teaching them about juvenile laws and drug prevention. Through the Kalihi Late Night Basketball League, youth learn basketball skills while doing community service.
Steering Committee Members
Lori Lum
Michelle Bartell
Michele Aronson
Thomas Lee
Kanani Kaopua
HPD District 1 CPT

Site 2: Waipahu
About the Site
In 2000, "old" Waipahu was designated as the second Weed & Seed site in Hawaiʻi. The boundaries for this site are identical to HPD beats 350 and 351 which runs from Kunia Road to Waipahu Depot Street and below H-1 to West Loch by Pearl Harbor.
Many community-driven events such as the Partnering for Protection, Thanksgiving ʻOhana Bingo and Mālama Waipahu have engaged hundreds of residents and provided them opportunities to give back to the community and reconnect with each other. Through mentoring programs like Treasures of the Pacific and RAP, we are able to provide life skills as well as cultural and educational experiences to youth in a safe, non-threatening environment.
Steering Committee Members
Hercules Huihui, Chair
John Kauwenaole, Vice Chair
Kelli Buenconsejo
Neal Rivera
Evelyn Ahlo
Barbara Tom
Susan Moniz
Gale Mejia
Rochelle Kalili
Gayleen Balais

Site 3: Ewa-Ewa Beach
About the Site
Ewa-Ewa Beach became the third designated Weed & Seed Hawaiʻi site in 2002. The boundaries of this uniquely diverse community begins at Renton Road and continue through the end of Ewa Beach. In 2005 and 2007, the Ewa site received two National Recognitions, a Department of Justice Award for the coordination and collaboration that established a Truancy Operation; and a National Crime Prevention Council Award of Excellence.
Officers engage youth through after school programs such as Jr. Golf, Jr. Bowling and Youth Patrol/RAP Hour. Other successful programs include the Summer Culinary Arts Program. DRIVE SAFE 4 EWA is a traffic awareness campaign that engages students from various schools, residents of different ages and walks of life, as well as businesses from the community around a shared message. Our Quarterly Community Clean Ups, with the support of “Adopt a Block” volunteers, has made a significant difference throughout the community. Our Safe Haven also sponsors ʻOhana Food Distributions.
Steering Committee Members
Richard Quiamzon, Chair
Debbie Luning, Vice Chair
Malia Ikeda, Secretary/Treas.
Mitchell Tynanes
Russell Henna
Lisa Enanoria
Dolores "Dee" Gettle
Corporal Roland Pagan
Shayne Greenland